Saturday, May 29, 2010

Begging for Dollars Round Two (Drinking Water)

Every year, thousands of people show up at the gathering without water filters. The water quality at a gathering can change within minutes. At 9 AM the spring water may be good, by 9:15 AM a dog has pooped on a crack in the waterline and everyone who drinks the water without filtering ends up with a case of the runs.

Last year some amazing family did a hydration station on the edge of main meadow so our family could be safe and healthy. This same group of amazing folks are planning on doing something similar this year. But new filters costs $$ and it's hard to buy filters in the areas around the gathering. Kicking in a few dollars now will help keep our families' intestines in good working order.

My promise is that any money donated on this website will go to people purchasing supplies such as water pipe, water filters and fixings to insure everyone has enough clean water to drink. Or donate via paypal here. If you want the names behind this project (and it's not me), email me and I'll share more detail. $10 donated know helps out in a major way.

It's up to us to make sure our family has clean and safe drinking water at this gathering. If you prefer to buy fixings, I can put you in contact with people who understand what we need to buy. I'm not this much of an engineer.

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